Ten years of supporting our local news
Betsy Dietel, daughter of late Foothills Forum co-founder Bill Dietel, regales the crowd of 150+ Foothills supporters with stories of Bill’s vital role at the Barn at Mount Prospect on Friday, 9/27 as the nonprofit observed its 10th anniversary of raising community support for local news. Listening, and laughing, are: Executive Director Emily Oaks and Board Chair Andy Alexander (standing). Seated are board member Jay Ward Brown and Chair Emeritus Bud Meyer.
Watch the video here.
The unexpectedly large crowd turned out despite rain showers from the remnants of massive Hurricane Helene.
Chuck Akre, a major donor and the evening’s host (with spouse Dee), holds the Villages publication and shares a laugh with Dennis Brack, publisher of the Rappahannock News.
Attendees all received the Villages publication – a compelling compilation of six history-laded features on Rappahannock communities.
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