Survey responses tell us that land use, economic life, and the county’s comprehensive plan rank highly among Rappahannock residents.
Below is a review of articles that reflect current trends and where we may be headed as a county, including the Town of Washington’s examination of its future. Find also, a link to the county’s current comprehensive plan here: Rappahannock County’s Comprehensive Plan
Foothills Forum series spurs controversy
March 30, 2017
Video: Foothils Community Forum on March 26 at the Washington Fire Hall
March 30, 2017
The Town of Washington looks to its future
March 4. 2017
Ben Jones on being a “rebel spirit” and relocating Cooter’s
February 23, 2017
Rappahannock planner dares to confront the future
February 21, 2017
Comprehensive plan, sprucing up town dominate Town Council
February 20, 2017