We are gathering secondary research from new and existing sources – what else should we know?
Taken together, these sources provide a baseline. They’ll be the factual basis for local media coverage and background for our community discussions. They’ll help us measure our progress (or lack of it) over time. Our research work will complement other existing sources of data.
As we add and cite research, we’ll sort out by issue and category, and we’ll do our best to cite the original sources.
Please point us to research pertinent to Rappahannock County’s interests and issues, and together we’ll create a growing base of knowledge.
While we’re not going to presume what major issues will drive our future — that’s the purpose of the Foothills Forum survey — there are common areas of concern. We care about education, the economy, the environment, where and how we live. We care about the unique attributes of our rural, mountainous surroundings. We’re informed by our history, local news, journalism, etc.
An article from Local News Lab cites a recent Pew Research Center study of local news — and the great demand for it. That’s just what we’ve heard here in Rappahannock, and why we’ve geared up Foothills Forum.