The Rappahannock News completed publication of a three-part series on the findings of the Foothills Forum Survey, with part three appearing in this week’s (April 28) edition. Great reporting by Christopher Connell, superb graphics from Laura Stanton, topnotch design by Dennis Brack, and stellar photographs by his legendary father, photographer Dennis Brack. Go to if you haven’t read the series.
The last question in the survey wasn’t about issues, quality of life or services. It asked where we get our news and information locally. Respondents could select from among all choices.
Not surprisingly, the top answer at 30 percent was from friends, family and neighbors (Rapp being a sociable kind of place). In a virtual tie (29 percent) was the weekly Rappahannock News, owned by Foothills Forum’s initial media partner Rapp Media. A trio of local internet sources — RappNet,, and came next at 15 percent, just ahead of local businesses (13 percent). Churches (7 percent) and Other (5 percent) rounded out the choices. The survey was concluded before Old Rag Gazette joined the online field.
That means that among the 42 percent returning the survey, Rapp folks are roughly twice as likely to rely on the weekly newspaper as their source of news and information than local internet.